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Nation Wide Consulting and Training Available

If you have a commercial license in your state, than we can provide trainers from Colorado.  With our tools your trimmers will double their production. 

We started in Colorado when it first legalized in 2015.  We provide the tools and training in all phases from harvesting to trimming.  Put our experience in Colorado to work for you with our nation wide in person training service.




New Products

S6 Sabretooth Stainless Steel Sifting and Sorting Set


A One Inch Sabretooth Sifter

($1899.99 Value)

A Quarter Inch Sabretooth Sifter

($1899.99 Value)

4 X-Large Stainless Steel Trimming Trays

8 Large Stainless Steel Trays

4 Meduim Stainless Steel Trays

4 Small Stainless Steel Trays

1 Stainless Steel Scraper

4 Individual Stainless Steel Sifters

Each Individual Sifter has 4 Different Size Changable Screens